
Vincent believes teaching yoga and meditation comes with a huge responsibility as you are holding peoples trust and confidence in your hands. This requires a great deal of gentle skill to really engage and connect with each student in the class, whilst remaining authentic to the practice.


Mondays, weekly yin yoga class - 6pm
1 hr|£10

This class will be structured purely on the forms and Chinese meridian philosophy of Yin yoga.
Totally opposite to the ‘Yang’ style practices on the mat, such as Vinyasa. Yin yoga focusses on the slower, deeper parts of our body, mind and spirit. Asana/poses will be limited to around 5 per class all on the ground, as we delve into the ligaments, joints and fascia to release any negative emotion, energy and tension. The philosophical element will allow each student to meditate within the pose, which is held with softness, love and breath, for a much longer period opening, expanding and exploring our experience.


Tuesdays, weekly mixed ability yoga class - 6pm
1 hr|£10

Hatha / Vinyasa Flow Yoga A step up from the complete beginners’ class at an intermediate level. We will be working through some of the more challenging poses at a reasonable pace to really feel like you are working the body and achieving a good workout. We will put into practice; posture, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation.


Thursdays, weekly mixed ability yoga class - 6pm
1 hr|£10

Hatha / Vinyasa Flow Yoga A step up from the complete beginners’ class at an intermediate level. We will be working through some of the more challenging poses at a reasonable pace to really feel like you are working the body and achieving a good workout. We will put into practice; posture, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation.

Location: Parkside School, College Road, Norwich, NR2 3JA

Entrance is via Recreation Road, through the wooden gate.

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  • May 7, 2024 11:04 am local time
