Creativity & Wellbeing Stories: Xersa

My name is Xersa, I am a visual Artist residing in Australia. I have exhibited in London at the then Meniere Chocolate Factory Gallery with Paintings in Hospitals Organization in 2016. I also have an Artists Book in the Drawing Room Outset Library collection.

London is truly a great place for art and art can heal in many different ways. For instance, for a while, I had difficulty in approaching my easel. I left it set up with a canvas and also some paper on the table with all instruments ready. To walk into the studio and pass these on the way to the computer was both niggling and disturbing.

I closed the door one day and meditated again to find the triggers. It then occurred to me that I may have damaged something when I slipped on the hall mat one day and put my head through the plasterboard wall; Oh dear! Well, with that in mind, I began exercises to balance energies on both sides of my brain like walking counting a step-1 step-2 step-3,123,123,123 and so on. Did this work? I think so as I am beginning to draw again. I also swap hands a lot. It may just have been the change in mind set that was needed. Those exercises bring a stillness because I am busy counting or concentrating.

Now my current works are a narrative of our strength and resilience and our ability to adapt to any situation over time; It is important to recognize our ability to know who we are and what we believe in. Knowing that nothing and no-one can touch your inner self.

In viewing early historical masterworks which document historical events, we look to the future, we look to the past and we can clearly see that nothing has changed much in our presence here on Earth. Our creativity and ability to invent things which may make life better is inherent in all of us.

Art is one aspect of this to give us things to smile at, to laugh, cry, discuss and contemplate. I meditate upon this and create images from my findings. I keep to a monotone scheme to allow the viewer their own interpretation and imagination. Sometimes, if the artwork asks, I will let color in.


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