
Join Lauren Dowse, (A Tamalpa Practitioner and Tamalpa UK Associate Teacher) in this exiting new project held at South East Dance in Brighton, in collaboration with New Note and Create Recovery.

Open to anyone who has been affected by adverse life experiences like trauma, addiction, and social isolation.

The Movement classes uses the Tamalpa Life/Art Process®  to explore techniques that engage the body, focus the mind and open the imagination.

Each session will explore different themes of recovery whilst providing a safe space to support your creativity.

Movement/Dance: Through movement we connect to our bodies and explore our emotional landscapes

Drawing: Drawings are gifts from our imagination and are used for inspiration Creative

Writing: Communicating our individual and collective stories, allows us to become poets and storytellers

Voice/Sound: Creating space to explore sounds that accompany our dances

Improvisation: Learning to play and be fully in the moment

There is absolutely no experience required to attend.

To book a place please get in touch: email: or call: 07492 734 671

Classes run until 14th July 2023.

NEW NOTE DANCE is a collaboration between New Note, Lauren Dowse and Create Recovery Charity.

New Note is a charity based in Brighton that supports those affected by addiction, homelessness and other adverse life challenges through music.

Create Recovery support people in recovery from addiction through the arts. We believe creativity enhances wellbeing and can help in sustaining long-term abstinence.

Lauren Dowse -  Tamalpa Practitioner and Tamalpa UK Associate Teacher
