
The Black Men’s Consortium presents Without Planning Permission!

Thursday 18th May 5.00pm & Saturday 20th May 12.00pm  at Brixton and Streatham Libraries

FREE Tickets +

About the show:

This community engagement event immerses you in film, interactivity, debate and includes improvisation. With a fantastic cast of performers, this interactive performance takes you into dimensions you have never seen before.

Imagine the scene…

Spectators enter the space to find performances triggered by their presence. As you move between positions a character comes to life and engages you in a unique encounter. The spectator learns that they are someone important in that character's life. Spectators move between positions to explore a range of individual encounters - each one a meeting, a journey, a disclosure. Every position is in a different location, 20 positions 20 improvisers 20 encounters. You become empowered to decide the ultimate fate of the characters.

The Black Men’s Consortium is a community-led exploration arts project in which Black men of African Descent meet to experience positive and meaningful interactions and discuss issues that matter to them.

Through opportunities to express oneself, speak, learn and empower themselves creatively by using and mixing politics with art in order to make performances which are rooted in the group members’ experiences.

The Black Men’s Consortium is a weekly creative space for Black men where differences of opinion and unspoken feelings and resentments can be safely voiced and shared. The group works together every Monday evening to creatively cement long term relationships which lead to shared activities. This is our first production in a professional  theater.


Contact 07956 877358

Questions to think about:

How can Black Men survive a post COVID UK and remain proactive during these challenging and uncertain times?
How do we ensure that Black Men can survive in an unjust society?
What are the current obstacles Black Men face now after 75 years since Windrush?
What can Black Men do collectively to look after their Mental Health & Wellbeing and address our current reality?
How might Black Men sustain meaningful contributions to a new paradigm that tackles Systemic Racism?
How Might Black Men build and develop sustainable economic wealth?
How might Black Men not end up overrepresented in the harshest statistics in our society for criminal justice, health, mental health and life expectancy?

How can Black Men support and guide the next generation so that we are better prepared for civil action?

  • Brixton, SW2 1SS, Lambeth, London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
